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Free help for business owners with your Employment Relations Act questions

0800 675 698
  • Call our Employer Helpline. We offer free initial advice to business owners about the Employment Relations Act.

  • Ask us anything. Tell us your concerns. It's entirely confidential. We're trusted by more than 6,000 NZ Business Owners.

  • Proudly independent of and not affiliated with the New Zealand Government.



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We can also meet with you at your workplace to discuss how Employsure's paid services can help you navigate complex issues.

EmployerLine Can Help You Understand Your Obligations

As one of the leading employment relations specialists, we can help you with questions about:

Very reassuring that expertise and assistance is there every day and at the times it's vitally needed.

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Sherri - Salute Construction, Auckland

Employsure Customer

Over 6,000 New Zealand business owners like you trust Employsure's specialist advice.

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Why is the Employsure EmployerLine free?

Because we're confident you'll find the Employsure experience so beneficial, we're happy to offer this initial consultation free of charge.

This way, if you encounter more complex, ongoing issues with the Employment Relations Act, you'll already know that Employsure are the experts you can trust.

Besides, employees have unions, industry associations, the Employment Relations Authority.

Who do you have?.

If you have a question, who can you call?

We are here to be your support and adviser. We only work with employers. Nobody else. We work with thousands of businesses like yours. We're on your side.

Ask us anything. Tell us what you're thinking. It's entirely confidential.

Let's work together, to make sure you get it right.

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Top quality advice and attentive service

Employsure's specialists are available. No matter what your employment relation issue, we're here to help. Peace of mind is just a phone call away...

0800 675 698

Looking for answers? Ask Employsure.

In our Ask Employsure Q&A series we answer some of the most commonly asked questions by employers and employees alike.

From employment law to workplace relations, Employsure can help.

How does the wage subsidy work?

Need help with employment law changes?

What is the ERA?

What is the MBIE?

Why Call EmployerLine?

0800 675 698


Over 6,000 business owners trust Employsure's specialist advice.

Employsure takes the complexity out of employment relations to help small business employers protect their business and their people.

Employsure wants to see small businesses thrive.

Workplace relations can be difficult to understand, and the time and money spent on understanding and implementing changes can be costly.

Employsure can help you better understand workplace relations and clarify the latest legislation updates. We can also give you peace of mind knowing someone has your back. Call us today and see how we can help.

Employsure Accolades

Trust Pilot
2021 Feefo Award
2020 AHRA Award
2020 HRD Employer of Choice Award
Financial Review 2016 Most Innovative Companies

It's about our team having confidence that there's someone on the end of the phone to be able to provide them the advice they need...with Employsure, it's super easy.

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Ben Wooding - Red Badge

Employsure Client

What our clients say


What is the basis of employment law in New Zealand?

Core statutes in New Zealand include:

  • Employment Ralations Act 2000
  • Health and Safety at Work Act 2015
  • Numerous supporting statutes include:
  • Human Rights Act 1993
  • Minimum Wage Act 1983
  • Wages Protection Act 1983
  • Parental Leave and Employment Protection Act 1987
Is it illegal to work without a contract in NZ?

Yes. Every employee in New Zealand must be covered by a collective agreement or have a written individual employment agreement. Failure to ensure the employment agreement is in writing may result in a fine of $1,000 per employee.

How much notice does an employee have to provide when quitting?

Notice periods in New Zealand are not legislated. An employment agreement should include the notice period required to be given by the employee or employer to end the relationship. If the employment agreement doesn't have a notice period, then fair and reasonable notice must be given. This should take into account length of service, type of job, how long it might take to replace the employee and common practice in the workplace. Depending on the role 2 to 4 weeks' notice is often seen as fair. Keep in mind that when an employer wants to give notice to end an employment relationship, they can only do so on completion of the relevant fair and reasonable process.

What are my obligations to my employees?

Employers should provide a safe workplace and comply with employment legislation, employment agreements and any other agreements and policies and procedures that apply to their workplace.

Employment relationships are underpinned by the duty of good faith. Good faith means dealing with each other honestly, openly, and without misleading each other. It requires parties to be active and constructive in establishing and maintaining a productive relationship in which they are responsive and communicative.

Can an employer refuse annual leave?

In some cases you may not be a in a position to approve annual leave at the time the employee requests it. An employer may decline a request for annual leave if they have a genuine business reason for doing so. However, the rules specify that an employer must not unreasonably withhold consent, so they must have considered the request and provide a valid business reason.

For example, another employee has already requested leave for this period of time, or it is an exceptionally busy period for the business and annual leave cannot be granted during this period. Employers should keep in mind that an employee must be allowed to take their entitled leave within 12 months of their entitlement arising should the employee wish to do so. In addition, if the employee elects to take two weeks' of entitled leave continuously this must also be allowed.

What is the Employment Relations Authority?

The Employment Relations Authority is an investigative body set up to resolve employment relationship problems by establishing facts and making a determination according to the merits. Authority Members are appointed by the Governor General. The Employment Relations Authority has exclusive jurisdiction over employment relationship problems.

What is the MBIE?

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is a group of governmental departments relating to the business sector.

Can I change my employee's contract?

If you need to make changes to an employee's terms and conditions of employment:

  • Provide any affected employees with information about the proposed changes
  • Seek your employee's feedback
  • Consider any feedback raised
  • Avoid making any final decisions until you have consulted with affected employees
  • Record all changes in writing.

The specific process will depend on the type of change and the individual employees so always contact an employment relations specialist for specific guidance.

Still Have Questions?

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